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Kingsgrave Dorne

Kingsgrave: The Seat of House Manwoody in Dorne

A Historic Stronghold in the Red Mountains

Geographical Location and Significance

Kingsgrave is a prominent fortress nestled amidst the formidable Red Mountains of Dorne. Located approximately halfway through the treacherous Princes Pass, this castle serves as the seat of House Manwoody, an ancient and respected noble family within the region.

Kingsgrave's strategic positioning in the Red Mountains allows it to control access to Dorne, a realm ruled by House Martell of Sunspear. The castle's impenetrable walls and formidable defenses make it a formidable stronghold, protecting the region from potential invaders.

House Manwoody: A Legacy of Dornish Nobility

House Manwoody of Kingsgrave holds a rich history within Dorne. As an ancient Dornish noble house, its origins can be traced back to the founding of the castle by a legendary warrior. The family's lineage is intertwined with the tumultuous events that have shaped the history of Dorne.

The Castle of Kingsgrave

Kingsgrave castle is an imposing structure that embodies the resilience and strength of House Manwoody. Its thick walls and towering turrets have withstood countless battles and sieges, making it a symbol of the indomitable spirit of the Dornish people.

The castle's interior is adorned with tapestries depicting the epic deeds of the Manwoody family. Its vast halls and opulent chambers provide a glimpse into the rich traditions and grandeur of Dornish aristocracy.

Kingsgrave's Role in Dorne's History

Throughout history, Kingsgrave has played a pivotal role in the defense of Dorne. It has served as a rallying point for Dornish forces during times of conflict and has witnessed some of the most legendary battles in the annals of the region.

Today, Kingsgrave remains a testament to the enduring legacy of House Manwoody and the strength and resilience of the Dornish people. As a symbol of their proud independence, the castle continues to stand tall as a guardian of the Red Mountains and a reminder of Dorne's indomitable spirit.


